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I was super excited to make food for Georgia, because I knew exactly what I wanted to make from the moment I saw a picture of it: khachapuri. Bread, cheese, and eggs. What more could you need?

It starts with a simple yeasted bread dough made with olive oil.

While I was making the dough, Rosie decided she needed to sit directly on top of my recipe. Just wanted to add this picture because she is obviously the cutest cat in the world and everyone needs to see it.

Once the dough rests and rises, it's then separated into two equal pieces.

Each piece is rolled out into a circle about ten inches in diameter.

It's then covered in a mixture of cheeses--shredded mozzarella and crumbled feta. The, you start to roll the bottom and top toward the center to create walls.

Then you twist up the ends into little knobs. Once everything is rolled up nice and tight it looks like a cute little boat. A boat filled with nothing but cheese.

Each khachapuri is brushed with olive oil and slid into a 500 degree oven and baked until the bread starts getting browned and the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Then an egg is cracked into each one and cooked for just a few minutes, until the whites are set and everything else is nice and golden brown.

To add even more decadence to this recipe, each one gets some butter to melt into the cheese and egg. The picture above is not a great one, but it's hard to show just how gooey everything was. To eat this, technically you shouldn't need a fork, because you should be able to pull off the "knobs" from the ends to dip into the egg yolk and mix it all in with the cheese and butter. I ended up using a fork anyway because it was just so much cheese. I couldn't actually eat all of the filling without getting sick (lactose intolerance) but the bread part with a little bit of cheese and a runny egg was really delicious. Writing this now in March, I can't imagine eating something like this again, because I haven't actually eaten cheese at all since January. But even then, looking at pictures definitely makes me want to eat one of these again.

Recipes Used: Khachapuri


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